"To Paris With Love" is her latest single. Co-written by Donna and longtime collaborator Bruce Roberts (most notably on the duet "Whenever There Is Love" and "I Got Your Love"), Donna sings about her love of the French city. The song is very light and delicate in its original version. Donna's vocals are much more subdued than her usual. This sounds like something one may hear at a posh cafe. There are some club mixes of this by Wawa, Craig C, and Mendy (so far). Wawa's mix is electro/dance-pop oriented. This gives the song some much needed energy. Craig C's mixes are in a similar direction but a little harder. Mendy's is electro/house-ish as well. The Wawa one is the best of the bunch so far. Additional mixes were announced so those may be released at a later time.
Grade: B+(for the original)/A-(for the Wawa mix) reviewd by Disco Cowboy at Friday, August 13, 2010